
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Peace Begins With Me - World Peace Day September 2010

The tagline for my business is a Martin Luther King, Jr quotation:
"I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear."  

That pretty much sums up how I feel at this juncture of my life.

I’m an aging flower child who teeters between believing that world peace will be achieved in my lifetime and a growing fear that it won’t. The daily news often overwhelms me. Is there more violence in the world today?  Or does it just seem like it because we now live in a global village with (what passes for) news being so readily accessible. Story after story, issue after issue, all rooted in hate.

For years I’ve written letters, chatted with my elected representatives, participated in protests… you know the drill. Does it do any good? I have to believe it does. If only because I feel better for having participated; for having simply sent my energy out there in the universe; for taking a stand. It’s like being part of a prayer circle for strangers. One prays and meditates, sending out the energy of love and compassion. To not participate is to acquiesce to hate.

Every day I think about becoming peaceful. Cultivating love and compassion within myself sounds easy, but can be difficult. It‘s sometimes hard to practice patience, stifle anger, reach out to others. However, contrasted with the Big Picture that is the world, it is a small thing. I can try to give joy to just one other person each day. Lighten their heart for just a moment. Pass on a bit of love like tossing a pebble into the ocean. Sometimes I can see the ripples.

I imagine a world with individuals acting from a place of love and compassion and I know for sure that’s where I want to live. It is a reminder that peace actually does begin with me. And I’ve decided to stick with love.