
Thursday, August 27, 2009

Gardening Organically

Did you know it's estimated that approximately seven million wild birds are killed each and every year due to pesticide use by homeowners?

Did you know that to make 200 bags of chemical fertilizer it take the same amount of natural gas that could heat the average American home for a year?

Did you know that each year Americans use more than 800 million gallons of gasoline to mow and trim their lawns?

  • Save money and conserve resources by gardening organically.
  • Have your soil tested and add only what is really needed.
  • Can you say compost? Add a top dressing of compost twice a year.
  • Spray with compost tea and fish emulsion - natural fertilizers.
  • Mulch your grass clippings. Clippings are high in nutrients and will reduce the need for additonal fertilizer by 25 %.
  • Consider replacing your gasoline lawnmower with a reel or electric one.

Save the planet. Just say no to chemical fertilizers and pesticides.

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